Bill & Ogre's Games

Portal Three Kingdoms

Alert Shu Infantry - $6.68 - Out of StockAmbition's Cost - $22.62 - Out of StockBalance of Power - $38.19 - Out of StockBarbarian General - $32.09 - Out of StockBarbarian Horde - $1.37 - Out of StockBlaze - $16.26 - Out of StockBorrowing 100,000 Arrows - $14.92 - Out of StockBorrowing the East Wind - $78 - Out of StockBrilliant Plan - $3 - Out of StockBroken Dam - $7.41 - Out of StockBurning Fields - $2.66 - Out of StockBurning of Xinye - $59.99 - Out of StockCao Cao, Lord of Wei - $42.5 - Out of StockCao Ren, Wei Commander - $104.75 - Out of StockCapture of Jingzhou - $219.24 - Out of StockChampion's Victory - $9.77 - Out of StockCoercion - $1.91 - Out of StockControl of the Court - $33.99 - Out of StockCorrupt Court Official - $24.73 - Out of StockCorrupt Eunuchs - $9 - Out of StockCouncil of Advisors - $6.78 - Out of StockCounterintelligence - $9.14 - Out of StockCunning Advisor - $3.95 - Out of StockDeception - $0.64 - Out of StockDesert Sandstorm - $4.19 - Out of StockDesperate Charge - $9.99 - Out of StockDiaochan, Artful Beauty - $136.36 - Out of StockDong Zhou, the Tyrant - $150.43 - Out of StockEightfold Maze - $36.81 - Out of StockEmpty City Ruse - $30.68 - Out of StockEunuchs' Intrigues - $10.43 - Out of StockExhaustion - $19.89 - Out of StockExtinguish - $1.03 - Out of StockFalse Defeat - $12.49 - Out of StockFalse Mourning - $23.26 - Out of StockFamine - $8.16 - Out of StockFire Ambush - $4.26 - Out of StockFire Bowman - $6.7 - Out of StockFlanking Troops - $1.5 - Out of StockForced Retreat - $1.79 - Out of StockForest (#178) - $3.8 - Out of StockForest (#179) - $3.6 - Out of StockForest (#180) - $7 - Out of StockForest Bear - $29.31 - Out of StockGhostly Visit - $1.07 - Out of StockGuan Yu, Sainted Warrior - $44.38 - Out of StockGuan Yu's 1,000-Li March - $55.24 - Out of StockHeavy Fog - $24.71 - Out of StockHua Tuo, Honored Physician - $75.95 - Out of StockHuang Zhong, Shu General - $155.48 - Out of StockHunting Cheetah - $62.96 - Out of StockImperial Edict - $1.86 - Out of StockImperial Recruiter - $123.34 - Out of StockImperial Seal - $999.71 - Out of StockIndependent Troops - $0.76 - Out of StockIsland (#169) - $2.38 - Out of StockIsland (#170) - $3.36 - Out of StockIsland (#171) - $2.88 - Out of StockKongming, "Sleeping Dragon" - $29.49 - Out of StockKongming's Contraptions - $31.45 - Out of StockLady Sun - $107.39 - Out of StockLady Zhurong, Warrior Queen - $109.78 - Out of StockLiu Bei, Lord of Shu - $31.51 - Out of StockLone Wolf - $15.49 - Out of StockLoyal Retainers - $34.97 - Out of StockLu Bu, Master-at-Arms - $71.24 - Out of StockLu Meng, Wu General - $74.63 - Out of StockLu Su, Wu Advisor - $47.66 - Out of StockLu Xun, Scholar General - $27.79 - Out of StockMa Chao, Western Warrior - $68.2 - Out of StockMarshaling the Troops - $60.49 - Out of StockMeng Huo, Barbarian King - $64.39 - Out of StockMeng Huo's Horde - $0.7 - Out of StockMisfortune's Gain - $0.73 - Out of StockMountain (#175) - $8.13 - Out of StockMountain (#176) - $26.54 - Out of StockMountain (#177) - $8.2 - Out of StockMountain Bandit - $1.69 - Out of StockMystic Denial - $8.99 - Out of StockOverwhelming Forces - $114.99 - Out of StockPang Tong, "Young Phoenix" - $55 - Out of StockPeach Garden Oath - $19.74 - Out of StockPlains (#166) - $1.36 - Out of StockPlains (#167) - $1.63 - Out of StockPlains (#168) - $3.83 - Out of StockPoison Arrow - $10.1 - Out of StockPreemptive Strike - $1.88 - Out of StockRally the Troops - $11.79 - Out of StockRavages of War - $290.99 - Out of StockRavaging Horde - $17.86 - Out of StockRed Cliffs Armada - $7.71 - Out of StockRelentless Assault - $42.48 - Out of StockRenegade Troops - $3.98 - Out of StockReturn to Battle - $4.54 - Out of StockRiding Red Hare - $12.15 - Out of StockRiding the Dilu Horse - $254.75 - Out of StockRockslide Ambush - $34.14 - Out of StockRolling Earthquake - $74.99 - Out of StockSage's Knowledge - $3.56 - Out of StockShu Cavalry - $2.85 - Out of StockShu Defender - $2.72 - Out of StockShu Elite Companions - $4.89 - Out of StockShu Elite Infantry - $0.63 - Out of StockShu Farmer - $0.9 - Out of StockShu Foot Soldiers - $0.83 - Out of StockShu General - $10.23 - Out of StockShu Grain Caravan - $0.62 - Out of StockShu Soldier-Farmers - $7.56 - Out of StockSima Yi, Wei Field Marshal - $21.29 - Out of StockSlashing Tiger - $47.16 - Out of StockSouthern Elephant - $1.6 - Out of StockSpoils of Victory - $19.74 - Out of StockSpring of Eternal Peace - $1.88 - Out of StockStalking Tiger - $2.22 - Out of StockStolen Grain - $11.49 - Out of StockStone Catapult - $39.12 - Out of StockStone Rain - $4.3 - Out of StockStrategic Planning - $16.41 - Out of StockStraw Soldiers - $3.1 - Out of StockSun Ce, Young Conquerer - $72.71 - Out of StockSun Quan, Lord of Wu - $72.26 - Out of StockSwamp (#172) - $6.95 - Out of StockSwamp (#173) - $8.33 - Out of StockSwamp (#174) - $2.09 - Out of StockTaoist Hermit - $16.62 - Out of StockTaoist Mystic - $44.49 - Out of StockTaunting Challenge - $36.69 - Out of StockThree Visits - $46.98 - Out of StockTrained Cheetah - $18.11 - Out of StockTrained Jackal - $1.8 - Out of StockTrip Wire - $1.77 - Out of StockVengeance - $1.75 - Out of StockVirtuous Charge - $2.07 - Out of StockVolunteer Militia - $0.97 - Out of StockWarrior's Oath - $158.39 - Out of StockWarrior's Stand - $10.49 - Out of StockWei Ambush Force - $0.66 - Out of StockWei Assassins - $9.65 - Out of StockWei Elite Companions - $2.52 - Out of StockWei Infantry - $0.72 - Out of StockWei Night Raiders - $24.44 - Out of StockWei Scout - $3.98 - Out of StockWei Strike Force - $1.73 - Out of StockWielding the Green Dragon - $5.09 - Out of StockWolf Pack - $104.32 - Out of StockWu Admiral - $2.79 - Out of StockWu Elite Cavalry - $3.16 - Out of StockWu Infantry - $1.01 - Out of StockWu Light Cavalry - $3.9 - Out of StockWu Longbowman - $4.98 - Out of StockWu Scout - $5.96 - Out of StockWu Spy - $23.76 - Out of StockWu Warship - $3.07 - Out of StockXiahou Dun, the One-Eyed - $180 - Out of StockXun Yu, Wei Advisor - $58.93 - Out of StockYellow Scarves Cavalry - $8.65 - Out of StockYellow Scarves General - $34.49 - Out of StockYellow Scarves Troops - $0.66 - Out of StockYoung Wei Recruits - $0.93 - Out of StockYuan Shao, the Indecisive - $128.66 - Out of StockYuan Shao's Infantry - $6.07 - Out of StockZhang Fei, Fierce Warrior - $152.33 - Out of StockZhang He, Wei General - $66.34 - Out of StockZhang Liao, Hero of Hefei - $71.16 - Out of StockZhao Zilong, Tiger General - $116.98 - Out of StockZhou Yu, Chief Commander - $52.66 - Out of StockZhuge Jin, Wu Strategist - $72.94 - Out of StockZodiac Dog - $10.14 - Out of StockZodiac Dragon - $525 - Out of StockZodiac Goat - $14.91 - Out of StockZodiac Horse - $33.91 - Out of StockZodiac Monkey - $9.2 - Out of StockZodiac Ox - $27.99 - Out of StockZodiac Pig - $20.44 - Out of StockZodiac Rabbit - $24.21 - Out of StockZodiac Rat - $32.09 - Out of StockZodiac Rooster - $11.1 - Out of StockZodiac Snake - $6.21 - Out of StockZodiac Tiger - $42.17 - Out of StockZuo Ci, the Mocking Sage - $60.17 - Out of Stock