Bill & Ogre's Games

From the Vault: Legends

Cao Cao, Lord of Wei - Foil - $4.7 - Out of StockCaptain Sisay - Foil - $19.59 - Out of StockDoran, the Siege Tower - Foil - $1.63 - Out of StockKiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker - Foil - $16.08 - Out of StockKresh the Bloodbraided - Foil - $2.83 - Out of StockMikaeus, the Lunarch - Foil - $1.58 - Out of StockOmnath, Locus of Mana - Foil - $6.7 - Out of StockOona, Queen of the Fae - Foil - $2.8 - Out of StockProgenitus - Foil - $8.51 - Out of StockRafiq of the Many - Foil - $2.27 - Out of StockSharuum the Hegemon - Foil - $4.19 - Out of StockSun Quan, Lord of Wu - Foil - $6.53 - Out of StockTeferi, Mage of Zhalfir - Foil - $6.28 - Out of StockUlamog, the Infinite Gyre - Foil - $40.4 - Out of StockVisara the Dreadful - Foil - $6.14 - Out of Stock